Purpose of interest free loans

The interest free loan is only available to Clubs registered within Herefordshire & Worcestershire LTA for the purpose of improving facilities.

It is recommended that the LTA’s technical service or equivalent professional services should be involved where appropriate. Quotes will be required where appropriate from at least 3 approved contractors. The club will need to provide a full indemnity to H&W LTA for all legal and other professional fees or other costs arising in connection with the loan including the loan itself.

The maximum amount of any loan to any club is £10,000.00 (being not more than 50% of the total project cost and no more than the sum contributed by that club to the overall project) repayable by half yearly instalments over a maximum period of 5 years.

Please note that retrospective applications will not be considered.

Email the County Office (office@hwlta.org.uk) expressing an interest in applying for a loan with a brief outline of the project.

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