Tudor Grange Academy, Woodrow Drive, Redditch. B98 7UH

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Club contact

Marie Newman - 07763 495571 / marienewman66@yahoo.co.uk

Welfare contact

Mark Whitewood - 07870 114421 / markwritestuff@aol.co.uk


Tony Ravenscroft - 07969 649092 / tony@tprtennis.co.uk

Men's match secretary

James McDonald - 07780 45103 / james.mcdonald31@btinternet.com

Ladies match secretary

Jan Hillier - 07989 600772 / janhillier@aol.com

Mixed match secretary

Jan Hillier - 07989 600772 / janhillier@aol.com

If any of the above details are incorrect please email Ade on news@HandWtennis.co.uk

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