Who’s who in H&W Tennis

Like many organisations, H&W LTA have a team of dedicated employees and volunteers who assist with the running of tennis activities within the two Counties.

Management Team meeting dates:

  • TBC

Below are details of each of our 'teams' who aid in the delivery of our activity.

County Office

Your first port of call for all tennis related enquiries.

Jodie CresserCounty Administrator01684 577243 / office@hwlta.org.uk
Management Team
Ed BradfordChairman07752 492993
Nick ThomasTreasurernickthomastennis@gmail.com
Ade Batesnews@handwtennis.co.uk
Tina ManningLTA Councillor07761 533523
Additional Roles
Alison TuckCounty Welfare Officer07939 027106
Tina ManningShe Rallies Ambassador07761 533523
Neil BatesOpen Court Leadneilbates1963@sky.com

H&W Official Partners

Official Supporters